How to get Actual path Object will take from RecastGraph

Hi all,

I’ve hit a bit of a snag. I’m trying to use a Line renderer to draw the path the object will take.

Currently I’m using a recastgraph with a RichAI. to get the path, I call startpath on the seeker and use the List vectorPath object to populate the line renderer’s positions. That gives me the pink line. This makes sense because the points are the triangle centers. However, I need to draw the blue line, the actual path the object will take.

Can anyone shed some light? Keep in mind, at the time of drawing the line, I have the target following the mouse waiting for a left click to place the target. I am looking a way to draw the actual path the object will take before the target is place and the object can move as well as calculate the length of the path. The line renderer seems to be the best option for this if i can get a list of vectors, but i’m open to other options as well.

thanks in advance.


You can use the Funnel Modifier and possibly the Simple Smooth Modifier to get a nicer looking path.


That did the trick. Thank you.

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