Hi, think I’m being stupid here…
So, I have an AI, who moves around based on an enemy’s location. Trouble is, the enemy is often in an inaccesible location, so basically I want the AI to check if it’s possible to pathfind to a location, if they can, they go, if not, they don’t… the logic I can do, I just need to find out how to run the check.
Right now, no such check happens in my game, so the seeker path returns a direct A to B to desired location, which is obviously impossible, and my AI ends up running at a wall. Detecting ‘can I get there’ before trying to get there would solve this. I kinda wonder if that’s just a functionality in the seeker I’m unaware of.
Oh, and to make things more fun, environment is built at runtime, so I can’t preflag rooms, this has to happen entirely based on the pathfinder data generated by a runtime scan.
Thanks, and apologies for noobishness