How do i call startPath on many GridGraph

Hi, my project is using A* Pathfinding Project v3.4.0.5.

I want to obtain a path each by various Seeker.

Example if exist Seeker A and Seeker B,
Seeker A want to obtain a path avoiding other Seeker and unwalkable area
Seeker B want to obtain a path avoiding unwalkable area.

I try

  1. change ‘Modifiers’ each of Seeker.
  • Seeker A change settings StartEndModifiers property for avoiding other Seeker.
  • Seeker A add component RaycastModifier for avoiding other Seeker.
  1. add other GridGraph managing other Seeker
  • hand graphMask of target GridGraph when Seeker.startPath call

However, the result to demand did not come back…

also, I want to obtain a path considered the Seeker collider-size.
I try resolve this problem to add RadiusModifier to Seeker.
However, the result to demand did not come back…

Please tell me these problem resolution.


I got solution of this problem !

I prepared the tags that add penalties for Seeker A and extends UpdateGraphObject, Path and Seeker.
Maybe, In the first place how to use will be wrong :sweat:

Thanks !