How am I supposed to use "AstarPath.Snapshot" if it is internal?

Before updating to “5.0.3”, I’ve used “changedNodes” of “GraphUpdateObject” to reset tags of changed nodes.

public void ResetTags()
  if (_graphUpdateObject.changedNodes != null)
    foreach (var node in _graphUpdateObject.changedNodes)
      node.Tag = 0; //reset tags

In “5.0.3” it has disappeared, but I’ve noticed that “GraphUpdateObject” has “trackChangedNodes” field which points to “AstarPath.Snapshot” method.
The issue is - “Snapshot” method is internal.
Am i missing something?


Yeah, I didn’t want to expose it for a while, because I didn’t want to commit to this particular API.
But I think I’m pretty happy with it. So I’ll expose it in the next update.