Hex Grid Support

Hi, Aron and everybody,

I would love to use hex grid graph with this A* solution, but not very successful with implementing it myself.

If anyone could share hex grid graph script, will be appreciated.

Aron, I think grid graph is one of the popular graph and should be a interesting feature for your product.

If no one have such a script, I may willing to sponsor Aron to implement it, if the price is not too high.


A simple solution is to use a point graph, arrange lots of GameObjects in a hex-like pattern and then make sure that the point nodes only connect to their direct neighbours in the hex graph (by limiting the max connection distance).
Make sure you use the 2D optimizations for performance.

It will be suboptimal in memory usage for larger graphs (80*80 and up), but if you don’t need a graph which is very large, it will work great.