Help with a very easy question- Having trouble finishing path

I followed the tutorial and everything works as intended- except I’m making a turn based game, so I really need my units to complete the entire path. Right now, they stop moving right before they reach the path endpoint. The tutorial mentions this: “The AI will stop a short distance from the end point, but that’s just because we haven’t got any special logic for the last point.”

I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to fix this. Basically, i need the gameobject to follow the entire path to the endpoint. Can someone help me?


Maybe you want to use the included AILerp script. I think that will be better suited for turn based games because it just interpolates along the path.

Does that replace the seeker script?

So now I see that I definitely do not replace the seeker with it. I’m pretty sure the AILerp script is what I want. I’m not quite sure how I’m supposed to incorporate it.

Oh wait, it just works as is once attached! Wow, like magic! Thanks, this is super helpful to me!

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I’m glad it’s working now :slight_smile: