Handling unwalkable nodes/tiles with terrain

What is the best way to handle unwalkable nodes with terrain on a layered grid graph?

I want all the single nodes on the mountain to be unwalkable. Even if they are unreachable, I need them to be unwalkable. One Idea would be a GraphUpdateScene, but I was wondering if there is an option that can handle it automatically?


You could use either:

  1. A texture. Manually paint the regions of the map that you want to be unwalkable. Options for this can be found at the bottom of the grid graph inspector.
  2. Erosion. Setting the erosion iterations to 1 or 2 should get rid of most of those nodes.
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Thanks for the reply.

  1. I can’t find any settings in the grid graph inspector? Can you provide a screenshot/link? Thanks
  2. This works, but will also give me unwalkable nodes on small areas, so I would prefer method one
  1. Depends on which version you are using.
    Either it is under a foldout called “Extra” or something like that if I remember correctly.
    Or you can access it by clicking the Add Rule button (only available in the beta).

Okay, upgraded to 4.3 beta and tried the texture approach. After some fiddling with the file format and the texture and rule settings, I got a perfect match between my 100x100 texture and my 100x100 LayerGraph

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