GridGraph - RecastGraph Problems

Hello. I have one problem when working with GridGraph.
For example, it does not scan the area under the bridge, only the bridge.

RecastGraph does this, but when I destroy the barrel and turn off gridobstacle there is a lot of lag. Gridgraph doesn’t have this problem.

I want good scan all area with under bridge and on bridge and destroy some objects which will change the grid without big lag

You can use a layered grid graph if you want it to scan below the bridge as well.

Updating recast graphs is faster in the beta version, though grid graphs will most likely still be faster to update.

Big thx, Layered Grid Graph helped me!

Is there any functionality to make enemies jump down from the top layer to the bottom?

You can use off-mesh links (NodeLink2 component). Though there is no way to automatically place them at the moment.