Grid path navigation is calculated incorrectly when starting from unwalkable node

I have a problem that when the GridNode from which we start navigation is Unwalkable the path node is picked incorrectly.
Let’s have a look at the gif below. By design only 1 creature can be per GridNode, so when it is there I mark the node Walkable = false. But then when I navigate from Minotaur to Demon it always picks the top node as the first one. Why is the top cell first? Shouldn’t the first node be picked the one the closest to the target?

And the Grid looks like this

The code looks like this:

private void findPath()
    var myPosition = ParentCell.transform.position;
    var playerPosition = MyGrid.Instance.player.ParentCell.transform.position;
    var queryPath = ABPath.Construct(myPosition, playerPosition);
    _seeker.StartPath(queryPath, delegate(Path path)
        if (path.error)
            throw new NotReached();

        if (path.path != null)
            _currentNavigationPath = path;
            _currentNavigationIndex = 0;

What am I doing wrong?


A path can never start from an unwalkable node. The script will first find the closest walkable point on the navmesh and then calculate the path from there.

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