Grid graph setup as unit will wander and get stuck at edges


I was trying wander AI code with a unit and it keeps getting stuck at edges of an obstacle.
Upon using Debug.Drawline, the lines show that the blue destination circle is on top/below a unwalkable node. Since it is a valid path, IsPathPossible returns true.

How do I setup my grid graph so that only the roads are walkable in an enclosed city for example? When a node is unwalkable, the entire height is unwalkable.



Could you elaborate a bit more? I’m not quite sure what you are asking?


I found that it’s the way the wander code is retrieving the next possible position wrongly, resulting in the stuck at edges issue.

Can I ask something else instead?
What is the difference between NNInfo’s position value and NNInfo’s GraphInfo node position value, for the same node?
There is a difference of 100 units for my case, when divided by 100, the values are a bit different.
Which one should I use for my walkable node?
