- A* version: 5.2.5
- Unity version: Unity 2022.3.39f1
When there are no empty space on the corners, the pathfinding updates and prevents the seeker from moving inside the blocked space and updates the seeker to a different location outside the blocked space. This works with 4 connections, 8 connections with and without cut corner.
However when there is even one space on the corner, the pathfinding doesn’t prevent the seeker from moving inside the blocked space even when i set it to update every 0.x seconds. There is a path failed error but does not stop the seeker. But once inside the blocked space, the pathfinder prevents the seeker of going outside the blocked space. This also happens with 4 connections, 8 connections with and without cut corner. The expected result should be the same as above.
What can I do to detect if the pathing fails and stop the seeker instead of it going in the blocked space. Is there also a callback when this happens? Using AILerp currently.