Graph not displaying/executing?

So Ive watched the tutorials listed in the A* documentation, and they all seem to be able to generate a colored grid with lines between the nodes.

On my Unity however, I can only see a “flat” layer of red dots, with no connections between. The grid is the correct size, but its completely 2D and I don’t know if its actually working or not since all the tutorial vids look different than what Im seeing on my screen. Ive double checked all of my settings and I cant figure out what Im doing wrong, any ideas?

To clarify, when Im hitting scan, its just making a flat grid of red dots, if I change the Y center of the A* object, the grid will also change its Y, but Im still not seeing any actual pathfinding info it would seem.

OMG duh, theres a tiiiiiny little Eye symbol next to the Grid Graph which turns everything on >< Sorry thanks!


The red dots mean that the graph only generated unwalkable nodes. So something is wrong with your configuration of the graph.

Hey, thanks for your reply, and this awesome program! :slight_smile: I can now see the colored lines around the map after clicking the Eye Symbol, is it possible I still have some configuration issues?


If you see colored lines, that’s usually good.
The lines should have the same color in the same “region” of the graph.

Yea that seems to be sorted out, but maybe you could help me with another issue? :stuck_out_tongue: