GetNodes on RecastGraph

Hi! I’m using A* Pro on the RTS games and I’m trying to find out, where are the edges on generated Recast graph. I’m loading the recast graph from the file at runtime. After that, I’m trying to call GetNodes on that graph but it gives me no nodes. I’m using on that I’m calling GetNodes, also CountNodes return 0.

Could you help please, how to find out where are the cut edges from recastgraph, need it to generate covers for soldiers around rocks and obstacles.


Maybe the graph is not scanned and your saved file didn’t include nodes?
Also note that is the first loaded recast graph (if you have several).

Could you help please, how to find out where are the cut edges from recastgraph, need it to generate covers for soldiers around rocks and obstacles.

Maybe this will help: GraphUtilities - A* Pathfinding Project

Thank you Aron!
This is exactly what I was looking for.