Hi, since there is no built-in solution for detecting traversing I am trying to roll it on my own. I am extending AILerp and using Grid/Layered Grid Graph with NodeLink2 since I am making an x-com like game.
I’ve searched the forums and found out that one way to detect offmeshlink is by using NodeLink2.GetNodeLink.
The thing is that GetNearest (called in an update) never returns nodes on that generated PointGraph - even the path looks like there has to be that point when closest is the node generated by the link.
It only works when I set up the constraint to search only on that graph explicitly - but it forces me to introduce some distance-based checking also and I am not super confident about it. I thought that I’ll handle traversing off mesh links by myself when my agent enters the node in the link.
Is there any better way to do this? How such a task should be accomplished?!