Game freezing issue when unloading a scene with A* in it

Hi, I’m reporting an issue we have noticed on certain Android models (Galaxy S21 G5, Pixel 6 Pro and maybe others we aren’t aware of). Some other Android phones don’t have this issue.

The issue can occur randomly (but frequently, maybe around 50% of the time) on when loading to a new scene when the current scene has AstarPath component in it. When it happens it also freezes Unity’s main thread, so the game never loads to the next scene. Below is a log message that gets printed when it occurs.

11-02 12:54:50.260 22678 22746 E Unity   : Could not terminate pathfinding thread[3] in 200ms, trying Thread.Abort
11-02 12:54:50.260 22678 22746 E Unity   : Pathfinding.PathProcessor:StopThreads()
11-02 12:54:50.260 22678 22746 E Unity   : AstarPath:ShutdownPathfindingThreads()
11-02 12:54:50.260 22678 22746 E Unity   : AstarPath:OnDisable()
11-02 12:54:50.260 22678 22746 E Unity   : 

As a workaround we’ve switched off multithreading. We are using version 4.3.82.

hi @aron_granberg , any fix in sight for this? It seems like a serious issue


I have not been able to replicate this.
Is it possible for you to debug further where it hangs on your end?