Funnel Modifier - height / problem

i’m using a navmesh and the funnel modifier for navigation. Without the funnel modifier the path is too zigzaggy so i need it.
But with it the path ignores the height of the navmesh and makes characters ‘fly’ to their destination:

What can i do to prevent that?

After some testing, i think i can get away with using the simple smooth modifier now.
But it would still be usefull for me if there was a way to kind of project the path onto the navmesh.


As a rule of thumb, you should not rely on the height information the path gives you. Graph data is generally much more imprecise than the actual world. Use physics to place your character on the ground.

Thank you for your answer. This is for a server, so i didn’t want to use physics for performance reasons, but i think i can achieve the same by raycasting the navmesh and placing at hit point.
P.S. i recently bought Pro and i really like the effort you put into that system. (as a side note the Advanced Smooth Modifier can only be attached to a GameObject, if i remove the namespace, as read in another post in this forum).