Hey, I’m using the funnel modifier with a Recast Navmesh, and I have some ramps in my scene. It seems that the funnel modifier is cutting the ramp, and I’m not sure why. The images may explain a bit better than I can in words.
Hey, I’m using the funnel modifier with a Recast Navmesh, and I have some ramps in my scene. It seems that the funnel modifier is cutting the ramp, and I’m not sure why. The images may explain a bit better than I can in words.
That is expected. It can seem a bit weird, but the funnel modifier has no concept of the “height” of the path. If you look at the path from above, it would look correct, and that is what the funnel modifier cares about. Most path followers should use height data from other sources (such as physics) instead of the path’s heigh data since it can be inaccurate.