This is a very minor issue, but I found that whenever I hold the L key, the fps shows in the top right GUI. I searched the source code, but must be missing it. Anyone know where to find this or disable this feature?
EDIT: Sorry new to these forums. Can’t seem to find a way to mark this as unanswered.
I really doubt this is something in the A* Pathfinding Project scripts. I cannot recall that I have ever added that, and also I couldn’t find it in a search through the code.
Hmmm thanks! I will search my code. This should explain why I couldn’t find it haha.
It’s just something I found on scenes in which I added the A* path script. I will continue my search.
Thanks for the prompt response! That was lightning fast.
EDIT:: I’m sorry to say, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m fairly certain this is the case. I added an empty game object into an empty scene with only the Astar path script and am still getting it:
I found it. It’s in AstarPath.cs:
`/** Draws the InGame debugging (if enabled), also shows the fps if 'L' is pressed down.
* \\see #logPathResults PathLog
private void OnGUI () {
if (Input.GetKey ("l")) {
GUI.Label (new Rect (Screen.width-100,5,100,25),(1F/Time.smoothDeltaTime).ToString ("0")+" fps");
if (logPathResults == PathLog.InGame) {
if (inGameDebugPath != "") {
GUI.Label (new Rect (5,5,400,600),inGameDebugPath);
/*if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width-100,5,100,20),"Load New Level")) {
Application.LoadLevel (0);