FollowerEntity: Pushing agents off navmesh edges

I want to be able to push agents and make it so that they can fall off the edges. I am using FollowerEntity but Move is not implemented and there is no way to disable clamping. Is it possible to add these features anytime soon ? Only options I see is to disable FollowerEntity for agents that enter zones where I want them to fall or make changes to the package to insert my own job system to handle this behavior.


Currently, the FollowerEntity must be on the navmesh at all times while it is enabled. You could possibly disable the component and do your own push-back simulation, and then enable the component again.

Yeah that’s how I solved it. It’s mentioned in the doc that we can add the components and systems directly without follower entity. Is it possible that you provide such an example so I can get better understanding on how I might be able to customize the behavior ?