FollowerEntity ignores penalties in the RecastGraph

Hi, I’m using version 5.1.1.

Unlike RichAI, FollowerEntity does not properly follow the penalty in RecastGraph.

The blue area has a penalty of 0, while the rest of the area has a penalty of 10000.
I created a road mesh separately and tagged it with RecastMeshObj.

Why FollowerEntity does not move along the road?



This is a known issue. It’s a priority on my todo list. The FollowerEntity is a bit too aggressive in simplifiying its path.


I’m observing the same thing. Is it specifically the Funnel of the FollowerEntity? That’s what it appears like to me. The Search Tree looks correct to me but then it’s ignored.

It is the funnel simplification in the FollowerEntity.

This issue seems to still be present in version 5.2.1 :cry:
Is there any way to work around this issue using FollowerEntity?


Yes, sorry. I haven’t had time to work on this yet.

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