Follower Entity - Stop path smoothing / move to center of node?

  • A* version: 5.2.5
  • Unity version: 6

I recently updated my Astar, and am wondering if it is possible to enable the same behavior that I had in the previous version.

I am making a grid-based game, so I would like enemies to move following this grid, as opposed to a smooth path directly to their target.



So between these two, I would like the one that moves in a jagged line, sticking to the grid.

Previously, using AIPath, I did this by setting the Pick Next Waypoint Dist to a relatively low value.

However, when switching to using Follower Entity, I found there was no Pick Next Waypoint Dist option. Is there a different way to achieve this desired effect using Follower Entity? Or should I go back to using AIPath?

Please let me know.


The FollowerEntity component is made for smooth movement which is not constrained to a grid. So I would recommend the AIPath or AILerp movement scripts for your use case.


Ok, that saves me a lot of messing around then. Thanks for the speedy response!