Flash restriction

what is flash restriction? is there any workaround to use it on flash build?

Flash will not be supported. There are so many things missing on the flash platform so I cannot really use it. It would be huge amounts of work involved in making it work.

have you examined flash beta version on unity 3.5 or paid released version?

I think it was the Unity 4 beta I tested.

flash beta version has many not implemented functions. release version works. do you have any customer that has flash addon? flash deployment is very important for me. i want to buy a product that has flash support. your product is my decision now except flash. maybe it is ok with the release version. can you check it?


Ok, now the problem is that I do not own the flash license (not even unity pro actually).
So since the U4 beta I have not had access to it.

so maybe it is flash compatible now? or just few changes are required.

I would doubt it, if you have a flash license you are welcome to try, but don’t count on it.