I’m having a problem with start path which I use right now to figure out if an entity can reach a target or not. Everything works well except in cases where it has to path find to a entity on an unwalkable node which throws an error “Path Error The node closest to the end point is not walkable”. To get around that I use a ray trace get the collider hit point and then use GetNearest with the default NNConstraint on it to get a ‘walkable’ end point. However when I feed the position into the StartPath it still throws the same error.
Here is the code for reference:
if (targetVehicleController.stationary) { Debug.Log("Found stationary target"); LayerMask layerMask = 1 << target.layer;
// Getall colliders RaycastHit [] rayResults = Physics.RaycastAll(vehicleController.transform.position,(target.transform.position - vehicleController.transform.position),layerMask);
Collider targetCollider = target.GetComponent<Collider>();
#if WAR_DEBUG if (targetCollider == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Target Collider is null"); } #endif if (rayResults != null) { // Find colliders, check against worldcollider and get collison point foreach (RaycastHit raycastHit in rayResults) { if (raycastHit.collider == targetCollider) { Debug.Log("Got collider, getting nearest walkable"); // Get Neartest walkable node position as targetPosition NNInfo nninfo = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(raycastHit.point,NNConstraint.Default); targetPosition = nninfo.clampedPosition; break; }
} }
Path p = ABPath.Construct(vehicleController.transform.position, targetPosition,OnPathFound); p.nnConstraint = NNConstraint.None; _targetIndex[p] = target; AstarPath.StartPath(p);