FakePath dose not working in AIPath

  • A* version: [5.3.3]
  • Unity version: [6000.0.30f1]

If I use FakePath for the first time
AIPath is not moving.

But If I use Path, AIPath is Moving.
And If I use FakePath, Is Working Well… What’s the problem?

  var path =  seeker.StartPath(transform.position, target.position, OnPathComplete);
    void OnPathComplete(Path path)
        // The path is now calculated!
        if (path.error)
            Debug.LogError("Path failed: " + path.errorLog);
        // Cast the path to the path type we were using
        var abPath = path as ABPath;
        ABPath makePath = ABPath.FakePath(abPath.vectorPath);

I think I may need a bit more information here.

So you’re saying if you run the code and testMove is true on your first time requesting a path, your AIPath agent doesn’t move? Can you try this in a blank project? I just tested this exact code on my end and it worked first time.

I’m not following this part unfortunately.