[Error] Inf Loop in console

We get the following error randomly when using GridGraph:

It does not crash crash the game, but may break the pathing, we are not sure what it is.
Not really sure about reproduction steps either, sorry, it seems to be completely random and very rare.

We are using 4.3.61 version with Unity 2022.2.1

@aron_granberg please we really need help with this. We have a Steam Demo out and this error is popping out to dozens of our players. Would you please investigate?


Sorry for the late reply.
Do you have any way to reproduce this exception?

It comes from the funnel modifier component.

Unfortunately no, It happened to me only once, no idea where the issue could be, since as you can see, we can have dozens of AI running around the map.

The error reports come from our automated error reporting we have in game, so if player gets any kind of error, I see it in our system, so I see this issue popping up constantly unfortunately.


As a temporary workaround, you can try to switch from the Funnel Modifier to the Raycast Modifier (with graph raycasting enabled and physics raycasting disabled).

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@aron_granberg will try that, thanks. (Will know more if it works if we deploy new Demo build, so will let you once thats up and if we see any more errors)