Another silly question. I think i’m doing the recommended thing based on my attempt to find a similar question in the forum, but i’m still running into issues.
In my project i’m procedurally generating a 2d tilemap dungeon and using an array that holds what room that tile is in. I can update all the tags correctly by looping through all the nodes with:
graph.GetNodes(node => {
Vector3 nPosition = (Vector3)node.position;
//Code to get matching Tilemap.Tile
node.Tag = tile.GetRoom();
When using the ProceduralGridMover scrip and either adding some code or trying to override the RecalculateCell so I don’t have to rescan the entire graph (very noticeable processing lag) I keep having issues getting the node position. It looks like the (Vector3)node.position = GraphPointToWorld process is returning positions with only one decimal point and my tiles are 0.64x0.64 so nothing is matching up.
I cant quite figure out why i can get the correct positions to begin with and not later on.