Documentation suggestion: scopes & ingame

Hello! Just started using ALINE, very happy so far.

One part I got tripped up on, is that individually the examples for Scoping and InGame are clear, but I didn’t realize the interaction between them. My debug drawing looked good, but my in-game drawing was flickering & disappearing. It took me a while to troubleshoot the following block (I was checking all my other graphics stuff and then realized the enclosing scopes need the .ingame too):

using ( Draw.WithDuration(5.0f) )
Draw.ingame.SolidBox(boxCenter, halfExtents, color);

So my suggestion is to please call that out on in an example on the inGame page, to show that the enclosing scope needs it too:
using ( Draw.ingame.WithDuration(5.0f) )
Draw.ingame.SolidBox(boxCenter, halfExtents, color);



Thank you for the suggestion. Yeah, this is in fact the most common misunderstanding I have seen when it comes to the ALINE package. I’ll try to tweak the docs a bit.