Hello, I’m new to this forum. I searched around a bit for an answer and couldn’t find one. Here we go!
I’m making a tactics style game. Instead of your standard grid I want the player to be able to select an area within the radius of a circle around their character. Now, I want them to only be able to move a set amount (lets say, 5 meters for argument sake) per turn.
What I am struggling with is the actual creation of the circle. I want it to deform depending on which obstacles are nearby. Here is what I had planned on doing:
-Draw a circle with a specific amount of points (32 in this case) and store the vector3s of those points in an array (I have this done)
-draw a path from the player position to each of the 32 points but stop drawing the path after 5 meters, the character’s max move range. Do this for every vector3 within the previous array and capture the vector3 at the end of the path. (this is what I need help with)
-Draw a line to each new vector3 (eliminating any duplicates) build a line renderer, showing the max move distance for that particular person(also fairly easy)
The end result I plan to be something like what you get in the new XCOM game. Select a character and you can see roughly where they can move in a given turn.
Hopefully you folks can give me a hand with this.