Debugging and stepping through the code issue

I thought I would ask this here as this seems the best place for answers and it is related to the path finding project. I find that when debugging and stepping into certain lines of code like this line here

AstarPath pathing = gameObject.AddComponent("AstarPath") as AstarPath;

it takes about 50 step into clicks to actually get into the AstarPath. I looked at the thread window and the locations change each time I step into code. Can someone please explain why it does this and if its possible to make it so it goes to the next line for each step into command?

I assume it is because the AddComponent method is quite complicated, so it takes a lot of time to step through.
What debugger are you using? (can’t really say I have used many so I am not sure if I will be able to help you with this specific one)

It also happens on other certian lines of code as well. I will paste a image example later on that could explain it better. The debugger i am using is monodevelop. I thought that was the only debugger that works with unity.

I done a little investigation which now means I can explain it in a clearer and greater details. When the debugger trys to step into this line

AstarPath pathing = gameObject.AddComponent("AstarPath") as AstarPath;

The messege log fills up with

Warn - 19:26:47 - Debugger could not find file ‘/Applications/buildAgent/work/84669f285f6a667f/mcs/class/corlib/System/MonoType.cs’
Warn - 19:26:47 - Debugger could not find file ‘C:\BuildAgent\work\7535de4ca26c26ac\Runtime\Export\AttributeHelperEngine.cs’


it will fill up with a large number of these messeges but for different files that it cannot find. Has anyone had this problem before?

I have fixed the problems I had with this.