Crash when saving to cache or clearing cache

I’m currently having an issue where when ever I try to save to cache, or clear the cache, unity ends up crashing with an out of memory error. this happens when I scan and save to cache, when i save an already generated mesh to cache, and when trying to clear the cache. Also the graph im dealing with is a recast graph. Any ideas what’s causing it and how i could fix it?
note that i can scan and generate a mesh without a crash (i do get a “this should not happen” error, although i don’t know what that means). also should note that i do already have a mesh saved to cache which is 4 mb big, and this worked a few days ago, im just unsure whats changed to make it all of a sudden break, as i left the size of the scan and all settings the same.


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Try the beta. Unity changed their undo system a while ago so that it constantly has to loop through the cache byte array. The beta has changed the cached startup to instead of saving to a byte array it saves to a file.

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thanks for the really fast response, i’ll give that a shot, thanks.

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