Hi! I’m trying to speed up my Unity project’s overall (re)compilation times. To achieve
this I’m converting some large libs into DLLs using gmcs tool. A*PathfindingProject is one of the candidates.
I’m going to build 2 DLLs: one with runtime components and another with editor tools.
I wonder if any one did this in the past and what are the possible obstacles I should be aware of.
Others have managed to do it using visual studio. I also have an internal old script for building a dll, and I cannot see any strange parameters I passed to it (except possibly “-sdk:4.5”). You should also make sure to add “-define:UNITY_5_1” and “-define:UNITY_5”.
Note that if you enable JS support (Inspector -> Settings -> Editor -> Enable JS Support) it will place itself in the Plugins directory and then it will only be recompiled if any scripts inside that directory changes.
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Oh, that’s probably the easiest option BTW, any chance you could share your build script?
I’m also wondering why project is not in Plugins directory by default?
Sure. Here is the script: http://pastebin.com/fM83PeEn
It is not in the plugins directory because the editor folder needs to be outside the plugins directory to work.
So for example the path Assets/Plugins/AstarPathfindingProject/Editor will not be recognised by Unity as an editor folder.
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