Compilation Error in AstarPathingSystem

  • A* version: 5.25
  • Unity version: 6000.0.27f1

I get a compilation error in AstarPathingSystem, line 156 - it calls

JobManagedOffMeshLinkTransition.MoveNext(entity, managedState, ref transform.ValueRW, ref movementPlane, ref movementControl, ref movementSettings, ref, managedLinkInfo, SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime)

but the EnabledRefRW movementDisabled parameter is missing.

This comes from the project dawn navigation package.
I have sent the author of that package some fixes. It will require another update to the A* package (to 5.2.6), and the project dawn navigation package will also have to be updated.

Thanks for the quick clarification. And apologies, I didn’t notice the package the code was in, just saw the MODULE_ASTAR_5_2_0_OR_NEWER define and assumed it was part of your package.