Hi, I’m new here, and just kinda starting out with A*… I purchased the TD kit from the Unity store.
So far I’ve been able to find and tweak things fairly easily. I am however having a hard time understanding how to make the enemies collide with the player buildings. I am probably missing something obvious, and am hoping someone here can shed some light. As far as I know I am using the basic or free version of A*.
To make enemies collide with the buildings, you would need colliders on the buildings and a character controller (or similar) on the enemies.
Or are you referring to how to make the grid graph see buildings as obstacles?
Hi! Thanks for getting back to me. My issue is that when I place building, the enemies pass through them and don’t change direction to go around them. I have figured out how to make obstacles using the grid graph.
My buildings have colliders, and adding a character controller to the enemies causes them to fall through the “ground”.
I watched a few tutorials on youtube, and am confident that I will have it resolved simply, and quickly!!
I am a seasoned environment artist, and am just barely getting my feet wet with scripting/coding, so I have tons to learn!! I feel confident that I will catch on quickly… I just need a few of those “break-through” moments to gain clarity.
So far, the A*/TD kit that I purchased has been incredible, and well worth the money. I am quickly prototyping a playable game!!
Hi. I have fixed the issue that I was having with the enemies passing through the buildings… Thanks for the help. Adding a charactercontoller has caused another issue. The new issue is: The weapons seem to fire at the pivot/origin of enemies and never hit them as with box colliders. The blast radius collider is all that seems to effect the enemies.
My question would be: Is there a way to use a charactercollider for enemy navigation and collision with buildings, and have a box/sphere collider used for the weapon system. I have tried a few things without any luck. Or, is there a way to just detect collisions on the entire surface of the charactercontroller capsule instead of its pivot.
Can’t help you much on the collider issue.
Character controllers should act exactly like normal colliders.
You cannot add compound colliders to it though. If you need that you will need to use a rigidbody.
We’ve been having same issue that character/player and animals are falling through the ground. And they all using character controller. We’re using A*star 3.3.8. I’m curious how you fixed the issue and would appreciate if you can share your solution. Regards, Hay