Climbing on the Y Axis in 2D and changing the rotation of a character to not rotate

Hi there!

I had a question with the climbing of a character in my stage. I’m programming a point and click game which uses the A* Free version in Unity to determine a path and move from bit to bit. I have currently worked it out a bit and made a Grid Graph that uses the 8 Directional movement to move to different points. Now, The calculations this makes when I click on certain area’s work. However; my character does not seem to climb on the Y axis, while the green line “accepts” it does. It just stays on the same Y axis the whole movement. I can select different places and the character will move “below” them.

Why is it not climbing upon this axis? I have modified the rotations of the axises so that the grid is 2D and it uses the Y and X axis. I have changed the .z and Z values in the calculations the AiPath script uses yet it continues to not climb upon my Y axis.

My settings are the “standard” grid graphs settings on the A* object with “Max Climb” being 1 (I have experimented with this, changing it to 80 for example) and the Axis being “Y” (I have also changed this to Z to check if this might be the problem that the dimension of the grid was wrong and Z became Y, no luck however.

Besides this problem I have another problem with the rotation. Because I’m building the game in 2D, the rotation is… practically useless. I use my own rotation system together with the animator. Is there a way to disable this subsystem? Because when I tried, I practically broke the code. I could move to the left (Where the character was looking) but not right.

In advance, thanks a lot!

Kind regards,


To add onto this; I just changed the definitions of Z to y again. Now it has stopped moving completely.

Could you post your movement code, and screenshot the gameobject(s) inspector view :

It sounds like you are just not passing data in a way A* likes :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi there,

Thank you for the reply Burdock, I’ve made an album with a few screenprints for the information. The Album.

The “problem” with the Z axis’ changes not moving is not even that the character doesn’t move, but rather slowly crawls into the back (it’s Z axis just becomes more negative over time) and it doesn’t follow the path anymore.

Besides this; I’m using the Basic AiPath script (included in the A* framework) which follows an object called “looptarget” (“walktarget” in english). This works when I click an object which has an acceptable collider. Now this generally works (the Pathfinding works, it shows a path, it wants to walk to the path) but the character doesn’t climb at the Y axis.

The rotation is another problem. Changing that bit of the code and changing it bricks the system as much as changing the Z values to Y (and the Y values to Z)

I hope that clears up a couple of things,
