Hi guys,
I’m currently working on a pathfinding. A chracter as to follow a path considering a condition. Without condition the player avoids the walls but as soon as I put a condition he doesn’t follow the path (the gizmos are still drawn).
Could you help me please ?
var distance = Vector2.Distance(ai.position, nearestBoy.transform.position);
if (nearestBoy.GetComponent<BoyStats>().isWanted == true)
if (distance < 0.15f)
nearestBoy.GetComponent<BoyStats>().isCaught = true;
ai.maxSpeed = 0;
else if (distance < 3.0f)
{ //Chase
ai.maxSpeed = 1.5f;
ai.destination = nearestBoy.transform.position;
else if (!ai.pathPending && (ai.reachedEndOfPath || !ai.hasPath))
ai.maxSpeed = 0.3f;
ai.destination = PickRandomPoint();