Can't get the bot moving (Searched nodes 0)

I’m trying to make a pac-man like game, and wanted to use the A* Pathfinding package, but just can’t figure out why i keep getting “Path Completed : Computation Time 3.00 ms Searched Nodes 0 Path Length 1 Path Number 1” at run.
I believe this is the issue that makes my bot stand still, but i’m not really sure.
Here is a picture of my grid graph to get a better understanding on what i’m trying to do.
Also, this is the code i use for the bot:
`#pragma strict
import Pathfinding;

var target_position : Vector3;
var seeker : Seeker;
var controller : CharacterController;
var path : Path;
var speed : float = 350;
var nextWaypointDistance : float = 3.0;
private var currentWaypoint : int = 0;

function Start ()
target_position = GameObject.FindWithTag("_player").transform.position;

function GetNewPath()
Debug.Log (“Getting a new path…”);
seeker.StartPath (transform.position, target_position, OnPathComplete);

function OnPathComplete (newPath : Path)
if (!newPath.error)
path = newPath;
currentWaypoint = 0;
Debug.Log(“something wrong…”);

function FixedUpdate()
Debug.Log(" if("+currentWaypoint+" >="+ path.vectorPath.Count+")");
if(path == null)
if(currentWaypoint >= path.vectorPath.Count)
Debug.Log (“sdfasfasfsa”);

var dir : Vector3 = (path.vectorPath[currentWaypoint]-transform.position).normalized;
dir *= speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
controller.SimpleMove (dir);

if (Vector3.Distance (transform.position, path.vectorPath[currentWaypoint]) < nextWaypointDistance)


If anyone has any idea on what i did wrong, i would really appreciate it.



Either it is the 3D gizmo setting (unity gizmos settings) or your graph has a lot of connections between nodes that don’t seem to be created. Can you post your graph settings.

Here are the graph settings.
Thanks for all your help

Try to exclude your player and bot characters from the Height Testing layer, as it is right now, single nodes disconnected from the rest of the graph might be placed on top of the characters, and we don’t want that.

Before excluding the bot and the player from the Height Testing layer, i successfully made the BOT move by increasing the Max Climb value from 0.4 to 1. Now, the BOT moves, but i don’t know why, it does not follow the target (it only moves in the spot that the player is at the very beginning ). I tried changing different things in the code, but still, with no success. Do you have any idea why is this happening ?
Sorry if i’m asking you newbie questions, but i just can’t figure that out by myself and can’t find any documentation that can help me.
PS: just to be sure, i removed the bot and the player from the Height Testing layer.