I downloaded the free Version for testing purposes and followed the first Tutorial. I can’t execute the Script under “Moving Stuff Around” because Unity gives me an “Identifier expected” error.
Here’s a Screenshot: http://s1.directupload.net/images/140606/ejzyoktq.jpg
As you can see, the problem lies in line 5 of the code
using %Pathfinding;
Unity does not seem to recognize the identifier. Anyone can help me solve this issue?
I imported the downloaded package into Unity, created a map with a terrain ground layer, obstacles with obstacle layers.
Then I created an empty and put the Pathfinding -> Pathfinder component on it, configured the Grid Graph according to the Tutorial page.
I created a capsule, put the Seeker Script onto it and after this I copy & pasted the Script from the Tutorial into a new C# Script and the mentioned error pops up in Unity.