Can I disable modifiers from cutting across disabled (diagonal) connections

I have a (layered) grid graph and I’m trying to put a narrow pole at the corner between 4 nodes and have the units walk around the pole. There’s no actual physics obstacle or anything, my approach is to disable all diagonal connections between the 4 nodes.

Without any modifiers the path correctly goes around the pole, but both the FunnelModifier and the RaycastModifier (with graph raycast) cut across the diagonal; even though I would expect a lack of connection to say “it’s impossible to move directly from node A to node B”.

Is there a way I can set it up so paths don’t get optimized across diagonals (like moving in that direction would count as an obstacle being in the way)?


This is not possible, I’m afraid.
It’s not very well-defined what parts of a node should be obstructed by the diagonal connections being disabled.

If you want higher precision like this, I would actually suggest using a recast graph instead. That sounds more suitable.
Though you can also increase the resolution of your grid graph.

It’s a grid based/tile based game, unfortunately switching grid type or resolution at this moment would have too much impact. I’ll see if I can circumvent the issue some other way.

Thx for the feedback!