Avoid colliders in 2d

Recently I bought the Pro version and been wondering if is possible to have pathfinding in 2D that avoids and stays a bit away from walls?


Have you read https://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/pathfinding2d.html?

Hello, thank you for the response!

Yes, I have checked that page, and I’m still unable to achieve my agent to stay away from walls. I’d like to be able to tell it to follow a path, more like the black line (doesn’t have to be as smooth of course) rather than the green one.

The issue is that sometimes, because of the collider, it stays for a bit on the wall until it moves enough to the right to slide past it


You can adjust how far away from the obstacles the graph is generated by adjusting the Grid Graph Settings -> Collision Testing -> Diameter setting. Try maybe 1.5.

Thank you again for your quick reply, I tried it with a diameter of 2 instead and it looked way better, kinda what I wanted!

Now off to do my own path movement script \o/!

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