An advice on Tutorials

Hey Araon,

I watched the new version of tutorial for 5.3. Somehow I think it improves a lot comparing to previous ones. I have an general advice on tutorial, which I commented under the get started tutorial, but I think you would be very busy and might not have time to review. So I paste it here, as below:

this tutorial is better than the old ones! good job! In addition, I would suggest you provide more best practices tutorials. I have been using this asset for my first game. but still I am not very familiar with it. When I need some solutions, I feel struggled to figure out one. For example, if the best practice is having 1 graph for each scene(like mentioned in this video), it has its own settings for a type of agent only match this graph, like agent with radius 0.5f, say a normal human size monster. But what if there are other 2 type of agent with radius 3f,and 0.1f, say a Giant Monster and a worm. what should I do for all of the 3 type agents co-exist on the graph in the same scene?

My point is : guide solutions like this can help the asset users speed up of their understanding of the asset and speed up their development process, further it will speed up the asset’s grow.

just a genuine advice from a true supporter. "

Although I haven’t fully leveraged A*PFD project ,I still think it is a very valuable asset in terms of controlling AI’s movements. If there would be more guides or solutions that can lead users into the depth of the asset smoothly from very practical angle , it will help the growth of the asset a lot.

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Thank you for the advice.

Did you check out this tutorial already? Multiple agent types - A* Pathfinding Project
I think it covers basically what you are asking for in this case.