Aline offsetting symbols in PolylineWithSymbol to animate

Ty for the packages, nice API and easy to implement.
A thing I’ve kind of missed, is to be able to offset symbols which are put on a line in PolylineWithSymbol command. Seems there is readonly float symbolOffset; in the source, but read only, so cannot be animated. In the builder, there is an offset property, but not sure how to access or use it, didn’t find anything in the docs.
the idea is to run a lerp float of the offset to animate, simply as you would do a texture offset in any other material. This would render a sliding arrow or circle effect.
Really would appreciate such an option.
Thank you.

Another question - how about registering custom symbol types? Couldn’t find anything in the docs.

Thanks. I’ll consider this.

I’ll include an offset parameter in the next update:

It’s not possible to register custom symbol types, I’m afraid.

But you can always just copy and paste the PolylineWithSymbol struct to your own code and edit it there. It’s a pretty small struct.