I recently ran into an issue where the AI moves back and forth for some reason. Sometimes moving in circles. This only seems to happen when a lot of agents (around 100) are spawned. The end point is NOT moving.
The only scripts attached are Seeker, AIPath and funnel modifier (priority 2). I played around with the options of the different scripts and nothing seemed to help.
This is probably due to the Overshoot problem (Not sure what the real name of it is).
Basically when moving towards a node that is (Lets say) 0.5 away if your unit speed is over 0.5 per tick, it will always miss the target ~
This is solved by doing one of 2 things ~ #1: Add some more smoothing, allowing the unit to end the path without being exactly on the target. #2: Putting movement on a fixed time step, this way you know exactly how far the unit moves per tick, and if the node is closer then the (move speed per tick) its transform = the target
I had this problem when trying to move any unit. Problem was solved by making my node size smaller (from 5 to 2). Problem was that my model couldn’t reach the exact target and even by tweaking the variables like EndReached didn’t help enough. Maybe this helps understand the problems of this kind.