Iam using the AIFollow script but changed it so that I have dynamic targets through clicking. At the start it works fine but after some requests they start getting stuck, mostly they start walking towards the goal but they just stop on its way. I don’t get an Exception or anything and dont know what to change. If I check the Grid I can see the processed path which they should walk.
It seems like sometimes even though the Grid is updated they get stuck at a corner but that’s rarely. The main issue is that they just stop even though they have nothing blocking them.
I reactived the LogPathResults debug and the same path gets calculated over and over with same nodes and length. Moreover I did some testing and it works fine for preset stuff but if i start placing objects even when I update and the grids seems fine, they just dont go to a lot of nodes around there.
I have the same issue and more worse with the AIPath, free version, Unity 4.3.4f1 free:
trees in the unity terrain stop the agents and the grid cannot exclude the trees
I put on a large map 1000x1000 on 250x250x4 grid 21 units. Somehow the more further i send them exponential more time and paths are created. (on a map 1000x1000 and the grid 1000x1000x1 every unit needed about 1 second to start, up to 600.000 paths are generated for each unit)
the 21 units dancing sometimes (moving more times back and forward and sides), i didn’t found any stable option (this is somehow speed dependent, speed 6 seems to be everything ok, but on speed 60 the AIPath is out of controll)
if the units moving correctly, they moving in slalom (even if they don’t have to), for my RTS game this is not an option (modifiers didn’t solve this problem)
The features of this pathfinding looks very good, but somehow i have no trust at the time in this pathfinding project. Create a terrain (non flat terrain) in unity 1000x1000 and a A* grid 1000x1000x1 and use your AIPath on it …
Probably you could tell me how to solve that 4 points, probably it is just a Unity version problem…
Got it working for now, using the AIPathScript works better. Iam replacing objects when the Agent gets there and didnt really care about the collision box of the new placed object and sometimes Unity attaches those at pretty strange places and sizes… and I didnt attach the UpdateScript for the grid to it so I didnt see something in the grid but it seems like it got considered because of the attached Rigidbody and they just couldnt go further, so maybe check those as well. Your modifier issue might be because your grid is maybe a little rough calculated, maybe increase nodes(using 1 or 0.5) and check your pathfinding modfier and waypoints, how early they start to walk to the next one. Till now Iam not using any modifiers which works. But since I also just started to use this Pathfinding project I cant help you too much.