Hi all,
I’m implementing AI in our minigames game, Marooners.
(protip: dont make minigames games…it’s like creating 10 games in 1 game…)
I’m using a recastgraph for most minigames and that works perfectly, e.g.:
- Tag: 3d world --> recastgraph: https://youtu.be/GHuvqZVQWBs?t=22
- Sinking tiles: --> recastgraph + NavmeshCut (same video at 51 seconds)
I am struggling with some other minigames, advice about best graph type/setup is very welcome:
Lava (vertical platformer): https://youtu.be/GHuvqZVQWBs?t=14
What would work here? This is layered so I believe recastgraph wont work, and even layered gridgraph is too limited? Do I need to use a pointgraph? -
Mine (vertical…grid): (same video, at 20 seconds)
Roughly the same as 1…–> must use point graph? -
Ice: (same video at 43 seconds)
The trouble here is that the outer 5 ice-areas will float away at some point. A recastgraph update is too heavy (game freezes for too long during the .Scan). Im currently thinking about just cutting our the ice areas that float away (limitation is that AI will never be able to go to these areas, while players can). Any better ideas?