Hey. I am using the grid pathfinding system from the 2D example of free A* Pathfinding Project.
Its working great, absolutely love it. But there is something I would like to ask you guys.
The units handled by it tend to use the same paths, leading to situation where they just follow a single path like a npc train. So despite having alot of vertical room in the map, my units tend to just fight in the absolute center Y, and move on X axis, which is not fun.
Any way to make the units choose their paths a bit more randomly, resulting in units fighting a bit more all over the map?
I would have attached a picture, but the forum is not allowing it (says i can only upload images up to 8mb, mine is less than 2mb). EDIT: Uploaded the image on a hosting service. https://s32.postimg.org/tumot57at/Screenshot_2016_06_29_12_43_21.png