Adding randomness to paths

Hey. I am using the grid pathfinding system from the 2D example of free A* Pathfinding Project.
Its working great, absolutely love it. But there is something I would like to ask you guys.

The units handled by it tend to use the same paths, leading to situation where they just follow a single path like a npc train. So despite having alot of vertical room in the map, my units tend to just fight in the absolute center Y, and move on X axis, which is not fun.

Any way to make the units choose their paths a bit more randomly, resulting in units fighting a bit more all over the map?

I would have attached a picture, but the forum is not allowing it (says i can only upload images up to 8mb, mine is less than 2mb). EDIT: Uploaded the image on a hosting service.

There’s a modifier called Alternative Path, that you just add to your units.


I would also suggest making them move to a more random target on the right side of the map instead of to the same point (it looks like they are just supposed to reach that edge of the map, not a particular point).

You can also initially choose some ‘desired’ y coordinate for the character and then plan shorter paths so that it first moves to that y coordinate and then moves right along that y coordinate.

How do I add this Alternative Path modifier?

Nvm, found it – added as script in unity, its just drag-and-drop.

Still, doesnt seem to do anything, though.
A* grid graph (advanced) penalty is 0, so it is not overriding it.
Does it work with AILerp?