Adding an interface as parameter to GridGraph.GetNodesInRegion

Hi Aron, since I need to get nodes in a circle area in my 2d game, I abstracted an interface from the GraphUpdateShape and passed it to GridGraph.GetNodesInRegion. This gives devs more control of the shape, you might consider adding it to a future update.

public interface IGraphUpdateShape
    bool Contains(Vector3 point);

And what I need is

    public struct CircleUpdateShape : IGraphUpdateShape
        public Vector3 Center;
        public float Radius;
        float _sqrMnt;

        public CircleUpdateShape(Vector3 center, float radius)
            Center = center;
            Radius = radius;
            _sqrMnt = Radius * Radius;

        public bool Contains(Vector3 point)
            return (point - Center).sqrMagnitude < _sqrMnt;


Thank you for the suggestion.