I checed the show graph, and when I use the scan button and the blue lines show in the editor. But when I add nodes and connections by script in editor , the connection created but no blue line shows.
public class NavGenEditor : EditorWindow
private void AddPoints()
var node1 = astarPath.data.pointGraph.AddNode(new Int3(0, 2, 0));
var node2 = astarPath.data.pointGraph.AddNode(new Int3(1, 2, 0));
var node3 = astarPath.data.pointGraph.AddNode(new Int3(2, 2, 0));
node1.AddConnection(node2, cost);
node2.AddConnection(node1, cost);
node2.AddConnection(node3, cost);
node3.AddConnection(node2, cost);
var isValid = node1.ContainsConnection(node2);
Debug.Log(isValid); // Yes