A* in 2D open world

I am new to this package and am considering purchasing a pro version, but am curious if this A* pathfinding will work effectively in big open worlds and how to understand this open world topic with pathfinding.


Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been sick these last few weeks.

It depends on how you define “big”. There are users using this package successfully with 10x10km worlds. This requires using the recast graph as no other graph type can efficiently handle a world that big. I would recommend having the whole graph loaded at the same time, streaming graphs is not well-supported, and having a big graph in memory is not particularly costly in terms of performance.

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Sorry for reopening this post, I’m trying to solve my own issue by reading old solutions, I noticed that pathfinder seems to be way more efficient on 3D spaces, Grid Graph seems to have pretty bad performance, am I right to assume that to use recast graph in my 2D game I would have to make it top-down 3D to use 3D planes and elevations, at least for pathfinder purposes?

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That is correct.

An alternative solution is to use a navmesh graph which is just a big plane and then use navmesh cutting to cut holes for all your obstacles. But that may or may not be efficient depending on your game. It will not allow fast updates if you have a large world and losts of obstacles.

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