A* does not work on some machine Bug

I have a project that works well on probably ~10 machines I tested it on.
But on one, the character just stopped walking and doing anything.
I thought the problem was in Zeject that I was using, but after debugging I realized that everything was working correctly. Characters are initialized, and in general everything is correct except that the character doesn’t walk.
A* doesn’t give any errors or logs, it just doesn’t work.
Why might A* not work correctly on a specific machine?

I understand that this should not be the case, right? The asset does not have a hardware binding.
What could be the problem? In the Unity backend?

[and optional tags on this forum not working(]



That’s very strange. Is there anything special about this machine?
Is this using a standalone build, or is it using the editor?

Tags are only used internally for moderation.

Testers have the same build of the game. Without editor. And I don’t know what happened. I can send DxDiag, but can send this to your mail, not on this public forum.

You can PM me info if it’s sensitive.

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Do you have the player log?

got it

Player log is empty, only boot logs

You mean the game fails to start entirely?

No, I mean that all that is there are logs about the correct operation of the game. There is nothing wrong with them. And as I reported, A* does not log anything.


I’d say, try to set the number of threads in the package to zero (A* Inspector → Settings → Pathfinding).
And try to disable the burst compiler in builds.

Both of these will make the game significantly slower, but it might help with figuring out what’s wrong.

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Ok I will try to do these steps and come back with an answer

Disabling burst didn’t help, neither did disable threads.
The tester checked the game on his other PC, and the game works correctly there.

Thanks for answers. Why game not working on he’s PC i didnt know. Strange things.