5.2.0 Time.timeScale Bug?

This is the Game Scene of my game running at:

Time.timeScale = 1x https://i.gyazo.com/4854e1efbc4c98fce40d5297cf55e9e9.gif
Time.timeScale = 5x https://i.gyazo.com/c626d00c87c5ab35169003e6923b8341.gif


The AIPath and RichAI movement scripts may not work great at high time scales, unless the fps is high enough for the simulation to stabilize.
The FollowerEntity movement script, on the other hand, will automatically run the movement simulation multiple times per frame when using high time scales, to ensure a stable simulation.

FollowerEntity with replaces both AIPath and RVOController; in other words, should I drop AIPath/RVOController for one FollowerEntity?

Yes. That’s right

Awesome, thank you :slight_smile:

Thanks this is quite useful to know. That case what’s the recommended way to speed up RichAI moving speed in a scenario when our game provide 3x, 10x, etc. speed up functionalities? Thanks again!

@aron_granberg ^ in case you didn’t see the reply. Thanks! :grinning:

You can manually run its movement loop multiple times per frame.
Take a look at this page:

This will not integrate with local avoidance as well, though. The FollowerEntity can make sure to run both its internal simulation loop and the local avoidance multiple times per frame.

Thanks Aron I’ll take a look at this and let you know if it helps!

Hi @aron_granberg I have a follow up question on this. I was building a game with a moving ship with pawns walking on it, and used the solution you provided in one of the examples with a moving ship.

Now I want to migrate to use FollowerEntity + AIDestinationSetter, do you have any guidance like this to help me migrate? I was using LocalSpaceRichAI + Seeker. Thank you

The follower entity handles the time scale automatically. You can just set it, and it should just work in most cases.

However, the follower entity does not support movement on a moving graph at the moment.

@aron_granberg got it thanks for confirming. Do you have any plan to support moving graph for follower entity in the near future, that’d be really helpful!

I have no plans for that in the near future, I’m afraid.